Will taking people to Hague bring justice to the all affected especially the IDPs
Anyway the best way is to have in us a heart of love in us many evil may have been done against Kenyan but no court can ever bring healing within us no matter what sentence is passed unless God deals with us changing us from the inside then it will all amounts to nothing we only be left as shells hampering a lot of bitterness hatred within us. Forgiveness is the key trusting God That He is just and will bring justice on us and being on our knees crying for the souls of these men. You know what if these men received Jesus in their hearts then no matter the judgment these men will be set for life.
The destiny of this country is not in the hands of the six but in the hands of God and our future is blessed.
To the IDPs don’t wait for help to come from state house but from God do not be bitter about anybody but forgive any wrong that have been done against you it maybe your only ticket from IDP camp, God is big and we should put our full trust in Him. God loves us and want to do good in us, He is called a restorer so whatever you may have lost you can count it on Him to restore you even to be much more than you have ever been believe you me Never give up hope , Your salvation shall surely come as certain as the sun rise in the East we can trust on His faithfulness. (2 tim 2:13 if we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself.)
It may seem like it has taken a lot of time but be unmoved in your faith
what is that you have trusted Him on what is that word that you have received from God and it seems it will take eternity to come to pass but Glory to God for He has declared in Hab 2:3 It may seem like a long time, but be patient and wait for it, because it will surely come; it will not be delayed.
Stay Blessed and choose way of Love for it never fails
1 Cor 13: 8 Love never fails
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