This is where you can be able to put in place sound biblical principles that can help disciple the nations for Christ. Secular parties cannot provide Christ political leadership. Without Christian party secular humanism will dominate the culture and ultimately even the church itself and when the church fails to provide cultural and political leadership, it becomes as salt without taste, thus sacrificing its ability to lead in any area of life and ensuring its failure as a culture-shaping force.
It has brought great prosperity to nations that have based their politics on the word of God and considering who God is if they successes by using the word of God so even now we will excel greatly for God is faithful to His word
Kenya is 80% Christian the value of many will be presented and considering who a Christian is and the life we have been called to live - to be Christ like so everyone whether a Muslim Hindu or whichever religion will not feel threatened because I would tend to live a life that attracts them to our lord Jesus and even when we talk using words full of grace, we are light of the world and that we must live that way.
The Body of Christ is God's chosen venue for raising up Christian cultural and political leaders as part of its mission to disciple the nations
The Church needs its own vision, voice and vehicle for reforming Kenya for Christ!
And finally A Christian School is not a church, nor is a Christian hospital. But both are founded by believers motivated by Christian goals and operated according to Christian principles
Just as a Christian school or college is an extension of the Body of Christ's mission to provide Christian education, and just as a Christian hospital is an extension of the Church's mission to care for the sick, so a Christian political party is simply an extension of the Church's mission to promote Christian principles and leadership in the civil sphere.
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