Monday, March 21, 2011

More From The Live Of David


   A. "OH, HOW I LOVE YOUR LAW!" - Ps 119:97
      1. In this psalm, if not written by David it certainly expresses
         his sentiment found elsewhere, we find one who has a great
         love for God's Word - cf. Ps 119:47-48
      2. This love for God's Word is due to the fact that...
         a. It protects him from sin - Ps 119:11
         b. It revives him in affliction - Ps 119:50
         c. It gives him great peace of mind - Ps 119:165

      1. His love for prayer was based upon the fact God had answered
         him before - Ps 116:1-2
      2. It was based upon the fact that God had greatly blessed him
         - Ps 116:12-13
      3. It was based upon the fact that prayer brought God close to
         him - Ps 145:18


      1. He praised God because of His righteous judgments
      2. He praised God because of His greatness and lovingkindness
         - Ps 95:1-7
      3. And he was determined to sing praises as long as he lived
         - Ps 104:33


      1. David knew the value of good friendship and unity, as
         exemplified in the relationship he had with Jonathan - 1 Sam 18:1
      2. He also knew the terrible pain of division within a family
         (cf. his sons, Amnon and Absalom - 2Sa 13)


   A. "I HATE EVERY FALSE WAY" - Ps 119:104
      1. His hatred was based upon his understanding of God's precepts
         - cf. Ps 119:104
      2. His hatred affected his selection of activities and friends
         - cf. Ps 101:3-4,6-7
   in heaven. (Mt 7:21)

                             1 Samuel 30:6


1. What's the first thing you do in time of trouble?
   a. Everybody has problems from time to time, but not everyone tries
      to solve their problems in the same way
   b. What IS the best way?

2. One person in the Bible who had more than his share of trouble was
   King David...
   a. For example:
      1) He was pursued by King Saul
      2) He barely escaped several assassination attempts
      3) He had to spend much time hiding in the wilderness
      4) His entire family was kidnapped on one occasion
      5) His friends turned against him and were ready to kill him
      6) He suffered the shame of having committed adultery and murder
      7) His son Amnon raped his daughter Tamar
      8) His other son Absalom murdered Amnon
      9) Absalom led a revolt against his father
     10)  Absalom himself was killed, much to David's grief
   b. Need I go on?  David was certainly a man with many problems!

3. Yet somehow, he survived them all and has come to be remembered as
   "a man after God's own heart."  How was he able to do this?

[I believe we can find the answer as we consider what David did when
faced with one of his most serious problems, as recorded in 1Sa 30: 1-6...]


   A. THE CONTEXT OF 1 SAMUEL 30:1-6...
      1. At this time in his life, David was living in Ziklag
         a. Having fled from King Saul
         b. And was now aligned with the Philistines
      2. The Philistines were preparing to battle King Saul, and David
         and his men had gone to join with the Philistines
      3. But the Philistines did not fully trust David, so they sent
         him and his men back to Ziklag

   B. READING 1 SAMUEL 30:1-6, WE FIND...
      1. That the town of Ziklag had been attacked and burned by the
         Amalekites - 1
      2. The women and children had been kidnapped, including those of
         his family - 2-5
      3. Naturally David is distressed; but on top of this, the people
         are ready to kill him for not having been there when he was
         needed - 6

      1. What does David do when he has lost his family, and his own life is threatened?
      2. The Scriptures say, "But David strengthened himself in the
         Lord his God."
      3. This is what David did first in times of trouble...
         a. He strengthened himself in the Lord his God!
         b. With the strength he received, he was then able to deal
            with whatever the problem was before him!

[But what does it mean to "strengthen himself in the Lord his God"?  In
an effort to answer this question, I found it helpful to consider some
of the Psalms written by David during troublesome times...]

      1. While pursued by Saul, he wrote Psalm 59 - cf. Ps 59:1-4
      2. When imprisoned in Gath, he wrote Psalm 56 - cf. Ps 56:1-2
      3. Fleeing from Absalom, he wrote Psalm 3 - cf. Ps 3:1-2
      4. Hiding in the wilderness of Judah, he wrote Psalm 63

      1. From Psalm 56, we learn that David would place his trust in
         God to help him - Ps 56:3-4,9-11
      2. From Psalm 59, we learn that David was determined to continue
         praising God for His help - Ps 59:16-17
      3. From Psalm 63, we see that David overcame his problem of
         loneliness by...
         a. Seeking the Lord - Ps 63:1-2
         b. Praising and praying - Ps 63:3-5
         c. Meditating upon the Lord - Ps 63:6-7
      4. In each of these psalms, David is basically saying the same
         a. In time of trouble, put your trust in the Lord
         b. Stay close to Him, through praising Him and praying to Him
         c. Do this, and you will be made strong as the Lord supports
            you! - cf. Ps 63:8

[This was how "David strengthened himself in the Lord his God", and was
able to face and overcome his problems with the help the Lord gave him.

1. So let us learn from one experienced in dealing with problems
   a. In times of trouble, look to the Lord for your strength!
   b. Trust in the Lord, and be steadfast in praising Him and praying
      to Him
   c. Don't forsake Him, nor forsake the assembly of the saints in
      which we draw near to Him

2. Let what David said of himself be true of us as well:

   "My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me."
                                                     (Ps 63:8)
3. Remember that those who trust in God will find strength,
   deliverance, and true happiness!

Do you trust in the Lord?  Or in your own strength?  Let the Lord be
your  strength

Messages to listen From Our day to day Men of God

  • By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of Christ Embassy 
  • Three kinds of knowledge 
  • Three kinds of wisdom 
  • Lessons for life 
  • Something to shout about 
  • Extra Ordinary Strategist
please you can send more suggestion

stay blessed

lessons from the life of David

The first term that describes David's brand of leadership is that he shepherded the people. To shepherd means to care for. This means that David not only ruled over the people but he also loved and cared for them. When tending sheep, a shepherd knows each member of his flock intimately. In fact, he knows them by name. If one of them wanders off, he goes after them and sacrifices himself to save the sheep. Asaph says that David shepherded the people
The second quality mentioned in Asaph's description is integrity. Integrity means maintaining the highest ethical and moral standard. It means that David ruled with pure motives and with the best of intentions. David did make mistakes. But, when he made mistakes he owned up to them and never made excuses for them. He asked forgiveness and then returned to God's ways. Integrity breeds trust. When people can trust that you have their best interests at heart and not simply their own, then they will follow you like they did King David.
Third, Asaph says King David led them with skillful hands. In Today's language, this means David worked hard to understand and execute the best leadership and management practices. If he were alive now, he would read top leadership authors, go to seminars and even hire a coach or mentor in order to hone his leadership abilities and style.
Philippians 2:1-8; “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death- even death on a cross.”
Note: There is no limit to the good a man can do, if he doesn’t care who gets the credit. Pride is the strength of sin. Joseph is a great example of humility: he served his father, brothers, Potiphar, jailer, and finally Pharaoh. Men rejected him, misunderstood him, imprisoned him, mocked and ridiculed him, yet he triumphed because of his humility.
What kind of a Leader was King David?
"Then three of the thirty chief men went down and came to David in the harvest time to the cave of Adullam, while the troop of the Philistines...was then in Bethlehem.

"And David bad a craving and said, 'Oh that someone would give me water to drink from the well of Bethlehem which is by the gate!' So the three mighty men broke through the camp of the Philistines, and drew water from the well of Bethlehem which was by the gate, and took it and brought it to David.

"Nevertheless he would not drink it, but poured it out to the Lord, and he said. 'Be it far from me, 0 Lord, that I should do this. Shall I drink the blood of the men who went in jeopardy of their lives?' Therefore he would not drink it." (II Sam. 23:13-17)

David did not take the devotion of his three mighty men for granted; he greatly valued their lives. He could not quench his thirst with the sweet water for which his men had risked human life. His response was to worship the Lord with the water.

Sadly, it seems that many leaders in Africa drink the blood of their people (figuratively speaking) without a second thought. It is not just political leaders who show a lack of love and concern for the people they lead. The ordained servants of the church do it too! The educated, the elite, and the elected abuse those they lead. The pastors and bishops often abuse their power with total disregard for the needs of the people.

Two thousand years ago, our Lord Jesus Christ said to his disciples, "The rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave - just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. " (Matt. 20:25.28)

What we need are men and women who will be servant leaders. 

from the life of king David we can learn the following on servant leadership 

King David came from very humble beginnings. He was a forgotten child, the last of eight brothers, and had been assigned the humble duty of tending his father's sheep. His anointing by Samuel as the future King of Israel surprised even his father Jesse. Samuel had to force Jesse to call David to come to the sacrifice. The Lord had warned Samuel not to consider appearances only, for God looks at the heart.

David's heart was right with God, and as we read in 1 Samuel 16:13, "from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power" after Samuel anointed him. David's first state assignment was to carry King Saul's armour and play the harp when the king was under the attack of an evil spirit. David's presence always caused the evil spirit to lose its power over Saul. The first quality a Christian leader needs is to be filled with the Spirit of God.

A heart for God brings humility and repentance. David's taking of Bathsheba for his eighth wife and the murder of her husband probably depicts David at his lowest point in his spiritual life. But after reading Psalms 51, it is easy to understand why Nathan could say in II Samuel 12:14, "The Lord has taken away your sin...." David genuinely and openly repented. 

The primary thing a leader needs is a heart which is right with God. An effective  leader must be a mature Christian who is established in his or her faith. Such a leader has a reputation for integrity, though deeply aware of his or her own weaknesses. Furthermore, he needs to have emotional resilience which will help the leader to humbly, with God's help, accept the criticism and overcome the human failures that the leader will face from time to time. 

Leaders also need to have a command of basic facts,possess relevant knowledge and be able to analyze problems so as to make decisions that bring glory to God. 

David was a born tactician. The way he handled Goliath (I Sam. 12) illustrates this. Though be was young, he was angry with Goliath for defying the armies of the living God. David's brother, Eliab, tried very hard to discourage him with abusive and belittling language, but David just disregarded him. David was also discouraged by King Saul but replied that he would kill Goliath just like be had killed a lion and a bear. David courteously refused King Saul's heavy coat of Armour since he was not used to it and preferred his primitive weapon, a sling and stone, to fight Goliath. David was able to gather all the facts, analyze the data available and organize his forces to meet die challenge. 

David was also a very effective administrator. When he became King of both Israel and Judah, his first act was to attack and conquer Jerusalem. He then went on to defeat all the enemies of Israel. David set up an effective government to run the country. His cabinet was composed of the effective, capable men. In I Chronicles 18:14-17, it records that David "reigned over all Israel, doing what was just and right for all people."

King David not only provided an efficient government. He went on to strengthen the spiritual life of the nation. David organized to bring the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem (II Sam. 6). Though God didn’t allow David to build the temple, David started to prepare by collecting building materials and bought the site where the temple would be built by his son Solomon. David established the temple administrative system and set up the temple music school. He personally composed some of the songs that were sung by the temple choirs.

As David illustrates, having a title (like King) does not mean a refusal to work hard in serving the people. Gifts of organization and wise planning are valuable tools with which the leader can save others

leaders should develop social skills and a sensitivity to others. Alongside these, they need to be mentally alert to changes and be creative in the way they react to the changes around them. 

David's first activity after he became king was to give to the people a symbol of unity: a capital city. They went out to take Jerusalem from the Jebusites (I Sam. 5:6-16) and established a new capital which all the Israelites felt they owned. King David moved his government to the new capital and thus became in every way the leader of all the Israelites. In Jerusalem, no Israelites were foreigners and strangers, nor excluded because of former allegiances. They became fellow citizens who shared common victories, responsibilities, trials, and opportunities. Jerusalem became a focus of the united kingdom of Israel.

David deeply believed that authority ultimately has to be earned. After the death of King Saul, David was appointed King of Judah. It took another seven years and six months for him to win the confidence of the other eleven tribes of Israel. David wisely and patiently waited for the elders of Israel to come and invite him to be their King (II Sam. 5:3). He did not demand total power. David made wise decisions, which ultimately benefited the people. Truly, he reigned over Israel, doing what was right for ALL the people.

Perhaps the clearest mark of a servant leader is his attitude toward others. Does he seek ways to help them develop their ministries? Does he prefer others before himself? (Phil. 2: l-8). Like Jesus, the servant leader willingly picks up the towel to wash the feet of others (Jn. 13:1-15; Mark 10:45).

Even when the leader must correct a brother, his goal is to serve the other for his good (II Tim. 2:24-26).
Church leaders need to develop balanced learning habits if they are to lead the church into the next century.

David was a simple shepherd boy when Samuel anointed him the future King of Israel. When David took food supplies to his three brothers who were at the war front with King Saul, his elder brother addressed him in a very demeaning way: "Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the desert? " But David was more than a shepherd. 

He was a quick learner! He defeated Goliath who had defied the entire Israel army for 40 days. David went on to learn more skills and tactics and earned a high rank in the army. He became well known and loved by the soldiers and the Israelites (I Sam. 18:6). David also learned quickly how to turn the band of 400 discontented and distressed men into an effective fighting force (I Sam. 22:2).

He learned all this on the job. David was a self-taught, lifelong learner. Had he lived in our time, he probably would have read many books and attended many seminars, learned from many older mentors, wherever possible.

So church leaders need to develop a teachable spirit that will make them effective in our increasingly technological world. Church leaders need to be aware of and sensitive to society's fast changes and adapt to methods that will keep the church reaching out to those who are lost.

On the contrary, a leader is not serving his Country if he closes his mind to learning from others, even those who are younger than he is.

General qualities of a leader

You must be willing to stand alone.
- You must be willing to go against public opinion
- You must be willing to risk failure.
- You must become master of your emotions.
- You must strive to remain above reproach.
- You must be willing to make decisions others don't want to make.
- You must be willing to say no at times, even when you'd like to say yes.
- You must sometimes be willing to sacrifice personal interests for the good of the group.
- You must never be content with the average; you must always strive for the best.
- People must be more important to you than possessions.
- You will have to work harder to keep your life in balance than people do who are not
Paul Borthwick, Leading the Way, Navpress, 1989, pp. 177-178 B.

lessons from life of moses

Moses…..Exodus – Deut.
1. Made time for & listened to God at the burning bush
2. Willing to step up to a plate that he really didn’t want to
3. Trusted God with his life when he returned to Egypt
4. Humble man…Numbers 12:3
5. Doesn’t lead in his own way
a. Meribah striking the rock instead of speaking to it…Numbers 20:11
6. Endures the grumbling and whining of God’s people
a. Even the rejection of God’s people…Acts 7:25
7. Makes God his banner…Ex 17:15
8. Doesn’t try to do it all himself …Ex chapter 18
9. Won’t go where God isn’t going….Ex 33
10. Goes to bat for God’s people pleading to God on their behalf.
11. Follows God’s leadership, watching the pillar of cloud and fire Numbers 9:21
12. Concerned about his godly work long beyond his own year… Numbers 27.16
13. READ:
Hebrews 11:24-25
24 By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be called the son of
Pharaoh's daughter, 25 choosing rather to endure ill-treatment with the
people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin

Godly men

Character of Godly men
Titus 1:5-9
I. He must be a man with godly commitments. 1:5-6
1. Be faithful to the church. 1:5
2. Be faithful to others. 1:6
3. Be faithful to your wife. 1:6
4. Be faithful to your children. 1:6
II. He must be a man of godly conduct. 1:7
1. Understand the need of a good reputation.
2. Understand the nature of your calling.
3. Understand the necessity of a balanced life.
III. He must be a man of godly character. 1:8
1. Pursue the right priorities.
2. Possess the right perspective.
3. Produce the right pattern.
4. Promote the right passion.
IV. He must be a man with godly convictions. 1:9
1. Be devoted to the truth.
2. Be diligent to teach.

I. The overarching requirement of a godly leader - Being above reproach
A. The need of being above reproach: It is a must and an absolute necessity for every leader, Living a life
without blame, one that lives as a follower of Christ, this would seem to be obvious and matter of living as a
B. The concept of reproach: The Greek term - “not able to be held”, legal term that referred to the ability to hold in
prison, the committing of a crime, literally meaning that nothing against, this does not mean that they have not
sinned but rather that they no longer live by sinful standards, thus they can set the model of proper behavior for
the church, the leader then gives no reason for anyone to attack his reputation,
C. Reasons for being above reproach
1. Leaders are targets of Satan: Satan will assault the leaders because it is the best way to destroy the church,
just as he did in the days of Jesus, Satan will work to create a corrupt leadership, those who are in leadership
positions will bear the brunt of spiritual warfare
2. Leadership that falls will cause greater harm: Leadership that falls devastates the church, it produces great
harm throughout the church,
3. Leadership has a greater knowledge of the Truth: The knowledge of the Truth creates greater accountability
and chastening when they sin
4. Leader’s sin is more hypocritical: The leaders are to have a deep understanding of the Word and teach it, they
then become hypocritical when they commit those sins that they are to be against
II. The moral character of a Godly leader
A. Husband of one wife
1. Key subject of infidelity: The concept Paul presents is being with one person, namely your spouse, this points
to specifically the sexual behavior, the aspect of being sexually pure,
2. Sexual purity: If a person is devoted to their spouse - it is in the heart and the mind, this is a call to full sexual
purity in conduct,
B. Temperate
1. Primary focus on wine: The chief problem of Paul’s day was wine, it was used in a variety of ways and was a
staple in ancient diets, the whole point is that wine and its abuse leads to a loss of the senses, this leads us to
conclude that this prohibition would include all things that cloud the mind
2. Things that effect the mind: If we are unable to keep our mind focused, we will never be able to keep focused
on God,
C. Prudent
1. The ability to order priorities: The leader must be able to order their own mind well, thus they must have a well
disciplined mind, this comes into play in all areas of life, the person who can not order their mind can not
effectively lead the church
2. The ability to keep focused on Christ: The leader must be able to keep focused on Christ, if their mind draws
them away from Christ they will not be able to function properly in the church,
D. Respectable
1. Well ordered life: The leader must be able to not only order their mind but also their life, they must have a well
disciplined life, they must not have a chaotic lifestyle but an orderly one
2. Personal life begins discipline: When the person lacks discipline in their own life, it will carry over into the
church, the person who can not order their own life will not be able to order the church life
E. Hospitable
1. Hospitable is a compound term: Combination of two Greek terms - 1. “To love” & 2. “strangers”, thus to be
hospitable is to have a love for strangers, this is not entertaining friends but being open and loving to strangers,
2. The aspect of travel: In the early church there were many Christians traveling, they were running from
persecution or traveling orphans or widows, hospitality was something of a necessity
F. Teaching
1. The one key function that requires giftedness: Leaders are to be able to reproduce themselves in other
people, the only way to do that is to teach other people, we are called to mentor and raise up leaders from within
our midst, this takes some giftedness in the area of teaching, everyone who is a leader is a teacher of some sort,
some teach in the Sunday School, others teach and instruct by example
2. The criteria of a teacher
a. The leader must have the gift of teaching
b. The leader must have a deep understanding of doctrine
c. The leader must have an attitude of humility
d. The leader must live a life of holiness
e. The leader must be a student of the scripture
f. The leader must avoid error in their teaching
g. The leader must have strong courage and consistent convictions
G. Addicted to wine
1. Personal problem: In the ancient days wine was a staple of the diet, much of the time it was used to purify
water and was mixed, this did often lead to a great deal of drunkenness - when not held in check, the concept
Paul presents here is that leaders were to obstain from wine to not fall into the trap of drunkenness,
2. Personal Reputation: When wine interferes with the persons ability to focus on christ they can not lead the
church, their focus is removed from its right place, the person also jeopardizes their reputation in the community,
they open the door to criticism and strife in the church, also they set a poor example to follow, others may be led
astray by their drinking of wine,
H. Not pugnacious
1. The root term: Word is derived from the Greek word that gives us the English pugilism, the term is negative
here - to not strike, leaders are not to seek to settle their differences through violence,
2. The need to be gentle: Leaders need to be gentle and courteous to others, considerate of others, gracious
with people, no list of wrongs - does not hold grudges
I. Does not love money
1. Money and ministry do not mix: One can love money and also love God, no one can serve two masters,
leaders who focus on what they can get out of life rather than what they can give will come up short in the end,
leaders then need to not become greedy or stingy in their character,
2. Paul’s example: Paul told all of the Ephesians that he envied no ones possessions while in Ephesus, the
riches of God’s blessing will supply what money could never buy, riches in heaven
III. The home life of a leader
A. Manages the household
1. Direct Connection: Leading in the home and leading in the church, both are connected - one cannot be in peril
without effecting the other
2. The aspect of household: All of the family affairs, good steward of the house, finances and all of the people
and resources
B. Management of children
1. The concept of authority: Parents are in charge, too many times parents fail to take charge, they are to raise
their children in such a way that honor comes to the family and to God
2. Keys to producing honorable children
a. Parents exercise authority that makes it advisable to obey
b. Parents have enough wisdom that makes it reasonable to obey
c. Parents must show love that makes it delightful for children to obey
d. Parents must show children the proper understanding of the Word to obey
C. Major point
1. The care of the house: The matters of the personal family pass to God’s family, a leader cannot neglect his
own family and expect to properly care for and lead God’s family, visa versa
2. The common challenges: Leading people to God, teaching holiness and obedience to God, conflict resolution,
building unity and serving one another
IV. The spiritual maturity of a leader
A. New converts: The language used here is also used of a new tree, one does not plant a new tree and not
care for it, the same is true of new converts and the care they need is to be properly discipled, Paul is pointing to
the early church process of discipleship = Conversion - training in the Word - baptism - member, Paul is referring
to someone who has no undergone the faith process
B. Becoming conceited: Paul states this to protect both the church and the converts, leaders who were new
converts could be victims of spiritual pride, one of the key faults of Satan
V. The public reputation of a leader
A. The basis for reputation: The reputation of a leader effects their witness in the community, the Greek term
Maturia is used here, we derive the English martyr, people who are leaders must maintain a Christian presence
in the community, this gives us a positive testimony to the outside world
B. The reason for reputation: Satan is targeting leaders of the church, he knows that the easiest way to destroy a
church is to destroy the leadership, once the leadership is gone there is no one left to guide the flock, Satan
would like nothing better than to discredit leaders of the church


No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced( Ps 25:3)

Where God is You cannot fail, it is impossible in fact He will do much more than He said He will do The world has not seen it a government that acknowledges the lord Of host as their leader , and has chosen the word of God as their guide what they can be able to achieve and the heights they can go.

1 Corinthians 2:6 6Yet when we are among the full-grown (spiritually mature Christians who are ripe in understanding), we do impart a [higher] wisdom (the knowledge of the divine plan previously hidden); but it is indeed not a wisdom of this present age or of this world nor of the leaders and rulers of this age, who are being brought to nothing and are doomed to pass away.

what the above verse means is that the currently world system is going to fail no matter how things they may seem stable, it is still brought to nothing. God want us to have open eyes that see and to put our focus away from the world way of doing things and we depend on Him how blessed it would be men of God in parliament just before a session they worship God in praises , everywhere they go they talk of God's goodness , their talk is different because their mind have been transformed and renewed by the word of God. Can we picture this !!!! We will be a marvel to the world we will do extraordinary things because ideas will be given of us freely by the holy Ghost . We will never be cornered at any given time even when everything else fails the Holy Ghost is our stand by , He is our extraordinary strategist He is the one who told moses Why are you crying to me in other words it was not time to pray a way had already been created, the obstacle of the red sea was unreal it had no foundation. and this what happens to those who have put their trust in God, God says because they love me i will rescue them (Ps 91:14) so when the name Kenya is mentioned by all our enemies God shows up hallelujah , glory to God , we will not have to raise a finger to save ourselves. There is nothing that will be too hard for us because the power of the Holy Ghost is mightily at work in us. What a blessed nation it will be

We have heard in local station of what is happening in our nation as hurting generation in other words they are a thermometer but thanks be to God that the story is changing our ladies are in happy relationships our men are faithful to their wives and instead of complain people will call full of thanks giving Yes by the power of the Holy Ghost we are thermistor affecting the environment around us and beyond. 
Let it be said so of this country  like men of Berea (Acts 17:10-13) Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. 12 As a result, many of them believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men.) that  we received the word of God with gladness and acted upon it and as a result the glory of God was revealed in our lives greatly.

To those who may have given up  for a better Kenya the message God has  for is is to Arise and Shine (Is 60:1)
are you hurting ... Arise and shine ... You are broken hearted ... Arise and Shine ... You have been stepped on , treaded on , Arise and shine.... We may be like an elephant that was tied while it was young now that it is big and strong it is still tied but God is telling us We are Strong We are bigger than the obstacles that have but us down and to Arise and shine...His Glory forth ..God delights in us He loves and He desire of us to perform in every field that whatever we place our hands to do we will  have GOOD success Praise God !!!

Lets be stirred up in  the holy Ghost to take that bold step, God says At the right time i have heard you and God says it is time to take over